Apache Tomcat 6.0.33 to 6.0.37 does not consider the disableURLRewriting setting when handling a session id in a URL, which allows remote attackers to conduct session fixation attacks via a crafted URL (CVE-2014-0033) [1].
The configuration center of Airlock 4.2 is not affected because regular logins to the configuration center always generate a session cookie. As a consequence, additional session IDs in URLs will be ignored by Tomcat. Airlock 5 is not affected since Tomcat 7 is used.
If you are using an affected Tomcat 6 version and want to prevent session IDs in URLs we recommend to upgrade Tomcat to version 6.0.39 (and setting disableURLRewriting to true [2]) or to upgrade to Version 7 where session IDs in URLs are disabled by default.
If you can't upgrade your Tomcat 6 back-end and therefore can not disable session IDs in URLs (which is enabled by default in Tomcat 6) you can protect the back-end with Airlock by applying one of the following approaches: