Apache HTTP server released version 2.4.49 fixing 6 CVEs.
Airlock Gateway uses Apache HTTP server as a web listener for the WAF/API Gateway engine as well as for the Configuration Center.
Airlock Gateway may be vulnerable, please see resolution.
Airlock Gateway is not affected by default. See [4] if you changed the default Allow Rule settings.
NULL pointer dereference in mod_status module. Attacker may crash the server. mod_status is not used by default by Airlock Gateway but is available and can be enabled with Apache Expert Settings [3]. If you are using mod_status we recommend following the resolution details below.
The affected module mod_proxy-uwsgi is not used by Airlock Gateway.
Our custom Apache module mod_airlock does not use the affected function ap_escape_quotes. Default Apache modules are not affected as well (see [1]).
Affects mod_proxy which is used by the Configuration Center Management Apache Server. Airlock Gateway is not affected because the static configuration of mod_proxy is safe, i.e. the vulnerability can not be exploited.