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License parameters for Airlock Gateway

Calculate the license dimension

Number of applications

An application in reference to the license is the combination of a backend IP address and used port. Thus, the number of applications is defined as the sum of used ports per backend IP address. See the following examples and the general formula below.


  • 1 backend IP address with used ports 80 and 8080 --> 1 IP * 2 ports = 2 license relevant applications
  • 2 backend IP addresses, on one IP are used two ports, 80 und 8080, on the other IP is used just the port 80 --> (1 IP * 2 ports) + (1 IP * 1 port) = 3 license relevant applications
  • 3 backend IP addresses, on one IP are used port 80, 8080 and 8081, on the second are used port 80 and 443 and on the third are used the ports 9080, 9081, 9082 and 9083 --> (1 IP * 3 ports) + (1 IP * 2 ports) + (1 IP * 4 ports) = 3+2+4 = 9 license relevant applications
  • 2 backend IP addresses, on both IP's are user 80 and 81 --> (1 IP * 2 ports) + (1 IP * 2 ports) = 4 license relevant applications

General formula:

Number of applications = (IP 1 * number of ports per backend IP 1) + (IP 2 * number of ports per BE IP 2) + ... + (IP n * number of ports per BE IP n) = ∑(1 IP * number of ports per BE IP) = ∑(number of ports per backend IP)

Number of concurrent authenticated sessions

This parameter defines how many authenticated sessions are expected at the same time. If this value is reached, Airlock sends an alert message to a possibly predefined notification channel. No sessions will be blocked as long as the grace margin is not reached. The grace margin is part of the license and usually calculated as follows:

  • +100% up to 100 licensed concurrent authenticated sessions
  • +50% up to 1000 licensed concurrent authenticated sessions
  • +20% from 1000 licensed concurrent authenticated sessions

If the number of licensed concurrent authenticated sessions is permanently reached, please ask for a license upgrade at Airlock Sales Management

Different types of licenses

Standalone license

A standalone license consists of the AL-CORE (Airlock Web Application Firewall Core) and the optional AL-AE (Airlock Authentication Enforcement) part. The AL-CORE part depends on the number of applications, which has to be calculated first with the formula above. If the Airlock Authentication Service is used, it is necessary to expand the license to AL-AE. The AL-AE size depends on the number of concurrent authenticated sessions (also see above). In the following tables are listed all AL-CORE and AL-AE types. All combinations of AL-CORE and AL-AE types are possible. For all pricing information please ask our Airlock Sales Management.

Application Security Gateway

Max. Number of Applications

Airlock Core 1


Airlock Core 2


Airlock Core 4


Airlock Core 8


Airlock Core 16


Airlock Core 32


Airlock Core 64


Airlock Core 128


On request



Authentication Enforcement

Max. Number of concurrent sessions

Airlock AE 10


Airlock AE 100


Airlock AE 500


Airlock AE 1000


Airlock AE 2000


Airlock AE 5000


Airlock AE 10000


To license any other AL-CORE or AL-AE types or its combination ask Airlock Sales Management.

If a test system is permanently used e.g. for integration tests , it is necessary to order a test license. The price of a test Airlock license is 10% of the first productive Airlock software license fee.

Failover cluster license

In case of using a high available Airlock failover cluster, it is necessary to order an additional HA (High Availability) Airlock license. The HA license is 40% of the first Airlock software license fee.

Loadbalanced cluster license

To license a loadbalanced system, it depends on the number of loadbalanced Airlock cluster members in the corresponding environment. Please contact Airlock Sales Management for further information.

Additional Modules

In addition it is possible to license one or more of the following Airlock modules. Pricing details are available from our Airlock Sales Management.

  • SOAP/XML Module (incl. ICAP Module)
    (Requires AL-CORE)
  • ICAP Module
    (Requires AL-CORE)
  • Graphical Reporting Module
    (Requires AL-CORE)

Product/Software specification

The complete software specification schema of an Airlock system is designated as:

Product Number

Software Modules



Airlock Core 4
Airlock AE 500

Productive Airlock for 4 applications, 500 concurrent sessions.


Airlock Core 2
Airlock AE 500

Additional High Availability Airlock for 2 applications and 500 concurrent sessions.

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