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How to enable the Apache access logs

Affects version(s): 
5.x and newer

 The Apache access logs are not written by default. The content of the Apache log messages is redundant because the same information can be attained within the Airlock log system. On high load environments writing Apache log files may harm the performance and waste disk space.

To enable the Apache access logs, do the following steps:

  1. Login as root to the according Airlock system on console or with SSH
  2. Open the custom file "" with an editor:

    # vi /opt/airlock/custom-settings/ext-apache/


  3. Add the following line and save with wq!



  4. Restart the Apache server:

    # systemctl restart airlock-ext-apache

    # sh /opt/airlock/ext-apache/etc/

    Prior to Airlock 7.2 use following commands instead:

    # systemctl restart airlock-ext-apache

    # sh /opt/airlock/mgt-agent/postconfiguration/

    Prior to Airlock 7.0 use following commands instead:

    # /etc/init.d/airlock-ext-apache restart

    # sh /opt/airlock/mgt-agent/postconfiguration/


  5. After the restart, verify if the logs are created and written:

    # ls -al /home/log/access-logs/

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