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HTTP Server Vulnerabilities Related to Version 2.4.55 and 2.4.56

CVE-2006-20001, CVE-2022-36760, CVE-2022-37436, CVE-2023-25690, CVE-2023-27522
httpd, Apache

Apache HTTP Server version 2.4.55 fixes 3 vulnerabilities [1].
Additionally, Apache HTTP Server version 2.4.56 fixes 2 vulnerabilities [1].
Airlock Gateway uses the server as web acceptor for incoming HTTP connections.

Airlock Gateway is not affected.


  • request splitting with mod_rewrite and mod_proxy (CVE-2023-25690)
    • The combination of the mod_rewrite and the mod_proxy module is only used for the management interface (Configuration Center/REST API). The authentication for the Configuration Center/REST API is performed by a back-end application running on a different server software that is not affected by this vulnerability.
      The external interface is not affected. Airlock Gateway protects vulnerable Apache HTTP Servers used in back-end applications against this kind of attack.
  • mod_proxy_uwsgi HTTP response splitting (CVE-2023-27522)
    • The module mod_proxy_uwsgi is not used by Airlock Gateway. Airlock Gateway is therefore not affected.
  • mod_dav out of bounds read, or write of zero byte (CVE-2006-20001)
    • The module mod_dav is not used by Airlock Gateway. Airlock Gateway is therefore not affected.
  • mod_proxy_ajp Possible request smuggling (CVE-2022-36760)
    • The mod_proxy_ajp module is only used for the management interface (Configuration Center/REST API). The authentication for the Configuration Center/REST API is performed by a back-end application running on a different server software that is not affected by this vulnerability.
      The external interface is not affected. Airlock Gateway protects vulnerable Apache HTTP Servers used in back-end applications against this kind of attack.
  • mod_proxy HTTP response splitting (CVE-2022-37436)
    • The mod_proxy module is only used for the management interface. The vulnerability requires a malicious back-end, but since all back-ends of the management interface are trusted, it cannot be exploited. The external interface is not affected.

No action required.

Airlock Vulnerability Status: 
No action required
Back-end Vulnerability Status: 
Does not affect back-end behind Airlock