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How to change the keyboard layout

For Airlock 5

The deafult keyboard layout is set to US-English. If you would like to change to another layout (e.g. Swiss German) you need to edit the file:

# vi /etc/sysconfig/keyboard

Use vi or any other editor you are familiar with to edit that file.

The first statement is:


To change the keyboard layout for example to German you need to change the statement to one of the following values:


Save the file (i.e. :wq! in vi) and reboot your Airlock server.


For Airlock 4.1 / 4.2

On non SUN-systems Airlock has often an US-English keyboard layout configured per default. (e.g. on VMware or other x86 based systems)

The Solaris kernel tries to query the keyboard layout from the connected keyboard. If that query fails or the keyboard is reporting an unknown layout Solaris is falling back to an US-English keyboard layout.

To change the keyboard layout you need to edit the file:


Use vi or any other editor you are familiar with to edit that file.

There is a statement (probably on line 10):

setprop keyboard-layout 'US-English'

To change the keyboard layout for example to German you need to change the statement to one of the following values: 

setprop keyboard-layout 'German'
setprop keyboard-layout 'Swiss-German'
setprop keyboard-layout 'Swiss-French'

Save the file (i.e. :wq! in vi) and reboot your Airlock server.

After the first reboot, maybe the system starts in fail-save mode. Follow the instructions on the console. Normally just the boot archive has to be cleared with the command: svcadm clear system/boot-archive

Get the full list of all possible layouts with following shell command:
kbd -s

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